In Sketch & study

Let’s practice position

I’m doing some traditional practice drawing from fighting pose, or regular poses, with the site
for the first try I’ve choosed “warriors” and used the first position I get and study it thinking wich character can fit it better, the first random pose I get was something like a ninja position, (unfortunately I’ve lost it, hope I’ll find it again and can upload it).

I’ve started a position study drawing the position lines and then over something like a mannequin

than I start thinking about wich character I can draw in this position and starting sketching it with a normal pencil over the previous lines, in this case I’ve thinked Riu from street fighter

when I’m sure on the result and the particulars I start inking the draw adding particulars and shadows

I wanted to make it more complex and special, so I’ve thinked to add the symbol of street fighter behind him and got the definitive like this

Hope you like it and that this will help you making your own study and creations 🙂